Microwave Journal
Qorvo QPA9805

Sub-1GHz Balanced Linear Amplifier: QPA9805

March 15, 2018

RFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for the Qorvo QPA9805, 700 to 1000 MHz balanced amplifier. With integrated hybrid couplers, the QPA9805 provides good return loss and gain flatness across the band.

Internally matched to 50 ohms on both input and output ports, this amplifier is easily integrated into designs for wireless infrastructure, macro BTS or booster amps with 27.4dBm output power. Operating from a 5 volt supply and drawing 260 mA, gain is up to 20 dB with OIP3 up to 43 dBm.

Offered in a 5 x 5 mm package.

For more in-depth information on this product visit our website at:  http://www.rfmw.com

