Multimedia Guide to RF/Microwave Engineering Featuring NI AWR Software Now Available
"Conquer Radio Frequency—A Multimedia Conceptual Guide to RF & Microwave Engineering" featuring the use of NI AWR Design Environment, specifically Microwave Office circuit design software, is now available online for free thanks to sponsorship by National Instruments. Developed by Dr. Francesco Fornetti, teaching-focused lecturer at the University of Bristol in the U.K., the materials include a full-color textbook and over 12 hours of video tutorials that provide a comprehensive guide for the RF/microwave engineering student or junior professional.
"Dr. Francesco Fornetti has a gift for explaining the 'dark arts' of the RF/microwave world; he puts that gift to use in his masterpiece 'Conquer Radio Frequency,'” said Thomas Farmer, lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania Electrical and Systems Engineering department. “With his masterfully written work and its accompanying video tutorials my students have been treated to both an excellent theoretical background as well as a practical application of that theoretical knowledge that they can immediately put to use. Dr. Fornetti's work is unique in its remarkably clear explanations of often poorly or under-explained concepts in other RF texts. Both my students and I appreciate the time and energy Dr. Fornetti has put into his work as it makes our RF program here at Penn all the more successful."
The guide enables users to achieve a good understanding of the theory and concepts behind high-frequency circuits and illustrates the most common design and simulation techniques for passive and active RF circuits. It takes an original approach to explaining the fundamental principles behind the design of passive and active RF and microwave circuits and illustrates how to design, test and characterize practical circuits using Microwave Office.
“The use of Microwave Office enables me to dig deeply into the phenomena that occur within an RF circuit and offer a level of insight and conceptual understanding not typically achievable in a laboratory environment or on the static black and white pages of a textbook,” said Dr. Fornetti.
To learn more about the multimedia guide and to receive the materials for free, visit explorerf.com/conquer-radio-frequency.html.