Microwave Journal

Frequency Synthesizer: 1018

September 29, 2017

Cobham Microelectronic Solutions has developed a series of frequency synthesizers designed to meet the stringent phase noise, spurious and harmonic specifications demanded by today’s airborne applications.  Cobham specializes in balancing tradeoffs to optimally achieve challenging requirements.

Cobham’s 1018 synthesizer measures 2.6 x 2.6 x 0.6 inches, weighs just 0.25 lbs., and delivers full frequency coverage from <450 MHz to >18 GHz in 10 MHz steps with <250 us switching speed. 

This synthesizer answers the question “what performance can be achieved in this small size at a low cost?” and provides a new platform with significantly lower SWAP-C to continue Cobham’s heritage of customized high performance synthesizer solutions. 

The 1018 is suitable for airborne, shipboard and laboratory environments wherever high performance is needed at low cost in a small package.  Cobham is interested to discuss optimization to tailor this design for any application. 

Cobham has been a leading provider of standard and custom high performance Frequency and Signal Generation products for over 40 years.  Our systems are designed to meet the unique and stringent specifications our customers require. 

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