Microwave Journal

Ultra-Low Passive Intermodulation Cavity Filters / Multiplexers

June 14, 2017

MCV Microwave has developed a line of ultra-low passive intermodulation (PIM) cavity filters and multiplexers covering frequency bands from 250 MHz to 6 GHz. The typical PIM performance in production is -163 dBc measured with two CW tones, each at 43 dBm. An even lower PIM filter with a maximum of -168 dBc is available, if requested. The filter line has low passband insertion loss, high-power handling and, for multiplexers, high isolation between bands.

These high-power, low PIM filters are suitable for use in small cells, tower-mounted amplifiers, combiners, multiplexers, DAS systems and PIM test benches. To illustrate the typical performance, MCV Microwave’s 700 MHz high band duplexer design covers the 728 to 757 MHz transmit and 776 to 787 MHz receive bands. Insertion loss is 1.2 dB maximum at room temperature and less than 1.5 dB over the operating temperature range of -40ºC to +85ºC. Return loss is better than 20 dB. Transmit signal rejection in the receive band is 100 dB minimum, and receive signal rejection in the transmit band is 95 dB minimum. Two-tone IMD performance is -168 dBc maximum and -163 dBc typical. Maximum power handling is 200 W CW and 1500 W peak. This duplexer measures 282 mm × 190 mm × 55 mm.

Low PIM series PBCC cavity filters, PBCCD dielectric resonator loaded cavity filters, PRCC notch filters, PMCC combiners and multiplexers can be ordered in standard and miniature sizes, and custom requirements are welcome. MCV Microwave designs and manufactures their products with precision and practicality, employing a robust design approach with high yields to guarantee competitive pricing and on-time delivery. MCV is vertically integrated, with proprietary, in-house ultra-high Q dielectric resonators and 3D electromagnetic modeling.

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