Microwave Journal

Power Handling VPIN Limiter: TGL2217-SM

December 13, 2016


RFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for a 10 W power handling VPIN limiter from Qorvo. The TGL2217-SM protects receiver chains in commercial and military radar, communications systems and electronic warfare applications. Providing frequency coverage from 100 MHz to 20 GHz, flat leakage power is <18. 5 dBm. Both input and output ports are matched to 50 ohms with return loss of >15 dB. This Qorvo limiter does not require a bias voltage thereby minimizing prime power requirements. Insertion loss is <0.9 dB.

The TGL2217-SM is offered in a 3.5 x3.5 mm QFN package. A DIE version is available as the TGL2217 with similar performance.

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