Microwave Journal

RF Energy Alliance welcomes formation of Ampleon

December 8, 2015

Following Ampleon’s announcement regarding the formation of its global business operations in acquisition of the NXP RF Power Business line, the RF Energy Alliance (RFEA) offered a statement of support. In its launch announcement Ampleon made a major commitment to the development of RF energy technology.

Dr. Klaus Werner, Executive Director, RF Energy Alliance commented, “As an RF Energy Alliance founding member, the NXP RF Power team contributed a tremendous wealth of knowledge and innovation. RFEA is thrilled and extremely confident that Ampleon will continue this effort now it has transferred to a standalone company. This shift helps international solid-state RF Energy standards development through the establishment of a company dedicated to this power resource.

“We welcome all of the great things Ampleon has to offer to our industry, and look forward to the continued use of now Ampleon’s physical and conceptual assets. Ampleon will henceforth be listed as an RFEA founder.”