Microwave Journal

Low Noise Amplifier for IoT: SKY67159-396LF

October 14, 2015

SKY67159-396FRFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for the Skyworks, Inc. SKY67159-396LF, a 200 to 3800 MHz low noise amplifier (LNA) designed for applications including IoT (Internet of Things), small cell infrastructure, tower mounted amplifiers and remote radio units.

The SKY67159-396LF’s excellent thermal characteristics allow in-system performance up to +105 degrees C. Broadband performance is achieved with a single matching circuit providing superior gain flatness, low noise figure (<1 dB) and good linearity (31 dBm OIP3). Flexible biasing supports operation from 3 to 5 V with related supply current from 30 to 100 mA.

The Skyworks SKY67159-396LF is available in a 2 x 2 mm DFM package.
