Microwave Journal

Broadband 2 to 18 GHz GaN PA delivers 20 W saturated output power

July 14, 2015

Microsemi announces the AML218P4013, a new GaN power amplifier product supplied in a compact hermetic 3.5" x 1.9" x 0.45" connectorized module housing.

Ideal for electronic warfare (EW), radar and test and measurement applications, the AML218P4013 power amplifier provides frequency coverage from 2 to 18 GHz, and delivers 38 dB gain, and 20W of saturated output power at 16 percent PAE.

The power amplifier operates from a +32 V DC single bias supply and is specified for operation over the -40° to +85°C military temperature range. For product sales or technical information contact RFMWMOD@microsemi.com. Released datasheets are available at www.microsemi.com