Microwave Journal

Programmable Attenuator Unit Series

June 23, 2015

API 8321_Front_RightWeinschel, an API Technologies company announces a series of programmable attenuator units that offer a streamlined approach in programmable attenuation for bench test and subsystem applications. Models 8320/8321, house and control various Weinschel programmable attenuator models (3200-XE, 3400, 150T, and 4200 Series) via front panel controls, Ethernet, USB 2.0 and Serial communications interfaces.

A GPIB (IEEE-488) interface is also available as an option.  This series is available in single or up 12 channel configurations and can be configured for front or rear connectors.

DS link:  http://weinschel.apitech.com/weinschel/pdfiles/wmod8320&8321.pdf

Webpage link:  http://microelectronics.aeroflex.com/category/programmable-attenuator-switch-units?pcat=aeroflex-weinschel
