Microwave Journal

Tektronix, IEMN collaborate to demonstrate world’s fastest wireless to optical bridge

June 12, 2015

Tektronix, a leading manufacturer of oscilloscopes, and The Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), a major French research laboratory, announced the world’s first demonstration of a world record breaking wireless system capable of transmitting data at 400 GHz (0.4 THz) using advanced signal coding (up to QAM-16) and key advanced THz devices.

Using a combination of optical coherent technologies and THz transceivers, the record breaking demonstration showcases the advances being made toward operational wireless links with THz frequencies and optical-equivalent data rates. The demonstration involved sending 32 Gbit/s signals over distances of 25 m and will provide the basis for future THz communications applications.

“As we have shown in this demonstration, the gap between the worlds of fiber-optics and radio can be bridged using photonic-based THz circuits,” said Guillaume Ducournau, an assistant professor at IEMN/CNRS/University Lille 1 working on THz communication systems. “Based on this first demonstration, the way forward for real-life THz communication systems is now open.”

The demonstration was accomplished within the framework of the COM’TONIQ French national project (grant ANR-13-INFR-0011-01) involving five partners coordinated by IEMN (http://photoniquethz.iemn.univ-lille1.fr/contrat-anr-comtoniq/). “Research such as the French equipex “FLUX” (high-speed guided fiber/wireless-based advanced data coms) and “ExCELSIOR” (advanced characterization of nano-devices and systems) programs are all coming together to support the development of these advanced networking technologies,” assistant professor Ducournau added.

“Tektronix is delighted to be working in such close collaboration with IEMN on achieving this prestigious breakthrough,” said Dr. Klaus Engenhardt, CTO Tektronix EMEA. “It’s exciting to see our industry-leading end-to-end transmit and receive solution (including Tektronix AWG70001A 50Gs/S waveform generator, OM5110 46Gbaud multi-format complex optical transmitter, Tektronix DPO77002SX ATI 70GHz real time oscilloscope) used to help bridge coherent optical and THz transceiver technologies. Advanced test tools are needed today to generate and characterize signals at 100G, 400G and beyond and Tektronix offers a wide portfolio of optical communication test solutions.”

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