Microwave Journal

Front End Module: SE2438T-R

October 20, 2014

SE2438T-RRFMW Ltd. announces design and sales support for a 2.4 GHz, smart energy, front end module (FEM) from Skyworks Solutions.

The SE2438T-R  is fully integrated for ZigBee applications including embedded lighting controls were high temperature (+125 degree C) operation is needed. The Skyworks SE2438T-R contains integrated inter-stage matching, harmonic filters, 1.6-3.6 V CMOS compatible digital control and a fully matched input balun for ease of use and maximum flexibility. Capable of 16 dBm from its integrated power amplifier, the SE2438T-R supports smart meter applications as well.

Skyworks offers this FEM in a 3 x 3 mm QFN package.
