Block Upconverter with HPA for Ka-Band
Hittite Products from Analog Devices has introduced a new Ka-Band block upconverter with high power amplifier (HPA), designed for single carrier use in satellite communications. The HMC7056 upconverts an input signal between 1 and 2 GHz to an output between 29 and 31 GHz, which covers both the commercial (29 to 30) and military (30 to 31) satellite bands.
The upconverter has 65 dB of conversion gain and provides a linear output up to 37 dBm. The design employs dual upconversion with integrated local oscillators (LO) to ensure no phase inversion and maximum spurious rejection. The LOs require an external 100 MHz reference signal. Other features include digital gain control, thermal monitoring and gain compensation, HPA enable and an output isolator to ensure excellent output VSWR. The HPA output mates with WR28 waveguide.
The block upconverter operates over the -20° to +80°C temperature range and is designed to be used with conduction cooling. It meets military environment conditions. The unit weighs 2.11 lbs and measures 5.72" × 4.51" × 1.63".
The upconverter and HPA are also sold as separate products. The HMC7053 is a fully integrated Ka-Band upconverter, with SMA inputs and a 2.9 mm output connector. The HMC7054 HPA has a 2.9 mm input connector and WR28 waveguide output. The HPA, which utilizes GaAs MMIC technology, operates at 5 V and draws 14 amps.
Analog Devices Inc.
Norwood, Mass.