Microwave Journal

Teledyne Microwave Solutions presents its diverse portfolio of advanced MW & RF technologies

May 29, 2014

At next week's International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in Tampa Bay, Teledyne Microwave Solutions (TMS) will be showcasing in Booth 723 its extensive capabilities as a single-source supplier of technologies for nearly every microwave challenge.

The Teledyne Microwave Solutions brand, defined by the tagline “Everywhereyoulook™”, now encompasses the consolidated product lines of these former stand-alone microwave companies:  Teledyne Microwave, Teledyne Cougar, Teledyne MEC, Teledyne Paradise Datacom, Teledyne KW Microwave, Teledyne Labtech (UK), and Teledyne Defence Ltd. (UK).  These advanced TMS technologies are deployed in multiple diversified markets and applications, including military and commercial, electronic warfare (EW), ECM, ELINT, SIGINT, IED, space, radar, missiles, SATCOM, aviation, industrial, test and measurement and more.

As a result, TMS now offers one of the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of advanced microwave and RF technologies and capabilities, including diverse lines of  amplifiers (HPAs, SSPAs, TWTAs and more), TWTs, space products, filters, YIG  and  BAW  products, mixersmodemsreceiversdetectors,  converters,  linearizers,  synthesizers,  SATCOM productscomponentsattenuatorsisolators and circulators, circuit board and packaging,  value add services  like up screening, element evaluation, and LAT, integrated assemblies and sub-assemblies, custom solutions and more. 

Visitors to the TMS exhibit can explore how these capabilities can address their needs while enjoying free espresso between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm on both Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Among the many featured capabilities in the booth:

One of the world’s leading collection of  TWT technologies, including TWT applications for electronic countermeasures, pulsed/radar, SATCOM, fast warm-up, test and measurements, airborne, and TWT amplifiers (TWTAs).

The Ka-band Satcom-On-The-Move (SOTM) Trio, a modular ITAR-free suite consisting of a wide-band solid state power amplifier (SSPA), a low noise block downconverter (LNB), and a switchable block upconverter (BUC).  The Trio can switch between military and commercial Ka/K bands and reaches new SWaP levels.

Radar Warning Receivers, including the PHOBOS-R Threat Warner/RESM, an extremely compact, affordable and integrated EW sensor system.

A broad selection of solid state power amplifier (SSPA) systems, including PowerMAX™, the new standard in high power redundant microwave amplifier systems for video broadcasters and gateway earth stations.

The expansive YIG technologies developed by TMS, supported by its large, self-contained YIG manufacturing and R&D infrastructure that ensures continuous YIG innovations.