Microwave Journal

Integrated Transceiver Module: SSC-7737731200-1212-C1

April 10, 2014

2014-03-09 SSC-7737731200-1212-C1 Transceiver Module E BandModel SSC-7737731200-1212-C1 is a compact and cost-effective E band transceiver module operating in the frequency range of 76 to 78 GHz. The module is designed and fabricated for emerging automotive ACC radar applications. It can be used as FMCW transceiver for speed and distance measurements or radar target simulators for testing.

Thanks to the built-in X4 active multiplier, the required local oscillator frequency is 19.0 to 19.5 GHz at + 5 dBm. The transceiver converts 550 to 950 MHz IF signal to a 76 to 78 GHz frequency range with a typical 23 dB conversion loss. The input P-1 dB of the transmitter IF signal is 0 dBm.  Meanwhile, the receiver exhibits a typical 12 dB conversion loss.  While TX IF and RX IF ports are separate, the transceiver shares a common RF port for both transmitting and receiving via a WR-12 standard waveguide. The typical isolation between TX and RX signals is 20 dB and TX IF to RX IF port isolation is 25 dB. The module takes +6 Vdc/250 mA for LO bias and + 5.0 Vdc/4 mA for both TX and RX mixer bias.

The transceiver module measures 1.80” x 1.00” x 0.50” and weighs about 1.5 Oz. The full operating frequency of the module extends to cover 75 to 83 GHz operation bandwidth.
