Microwave Journal

University of Rome graduate class uses Microwave Office to design a UWB impulse radar system for breath-activity monitoring

April 1, 2014

Sapienza University of Rome Professor Stefano Pisa supervised a graduate research project that used AWR’s Microwave Office® circuit design software to model, analyze, and design ultra wideband (UWB) radars for the novel use of remotely monitoring breath activity.

The successful project also resulted in two published papers:

  • “A Circuit Model of an Ultra Wideband Impulse Radar System for Breath-Activity Monitoring,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling
  • “Design, Realization, and Test of a UWB Radar Sensor for Breath Activity Monitoring,” IEEE Sensors Journal


The complete success story and links to the published papers are available at http://www.awrcorp.com/customer-stories/sapienza-university-rome