PC-based High Frequency Circuit Design Software
Serenade version 7.0 software has been released for PC-based high frequency circuit design. The design suite offers integrated schematic, circuit analysis and layout capabilities in a single, easy-to-use graphical interface. The software's design capture permits analysis, optimization and physical design while taking performance and manufacturability requirements into account. The software is available on Windows '95 and Windows NT. Licensing options include a portable hardware key, node-locked software key and network-based floating licenses.
Ansoft Corp., Pittsburgh, PA (412) 261-3200.
High Frequency Electromagnetics Software
The FullWave software package is available for use by designers of high frequency electromagnetics structures using Windows '95, Windows NT and UNIX. Features include full-wave solutions of three-dimensional high frequency structures, animations of three-dimensional electromagnetic fields, scattering parameters, automatic frequency sweeps, arbitrary shape and number of ports, fast simulation of design variations and advanced solution technologies.
Infolytica Corp., Montreal, Quebec, Canada (514) 849-8752.