Microwave Journal


October 1, 1997


9 - 15 GHz Synthesizer

The model MS5000-150 synthesizer operates over the frequency range from 9 to 15 GHz and features a switching speed of < 30 ns. Harmonics are > -60 dBc and spurious response is -40 dBc. Phase noise at 14 GHz is -120 dBc at 10 kHz offset. The unit was designed for use in an airborne fighter environment. Size: 6" x 6" x 2". Weight: 4.5 lb.

Aeroflex, Plainview, NY (516) 694-6700.


Miniature Airborne Microwave Transmitters

The ST-800S/L series microwave transmitters operate in the frequency ranges from 2200 to 2400 MHz and 1435 to 1540 MHz, and are designed for highly reliable operation in the severe environmental flight conditions of missiles, space vehicles and aircraft where size and weight efficiency are critical. The solid-state, crystal-stabilized, true FM telemetry transmitters can accommodate various modulation formats such as standard analog, pre-emphasized video, TTL, differential TTL and fully isolated differential TTL (optocoupled). The internal modules are housed in separate machined enclosures to maximize RF isolation. Frequency stability is ±0.002 percent, and operating temperature range is from -20° to +70°C. Size: 3" x 2" x 0.80", excluding connectors. Weight: 7 oz.

Aydin Telemetry, Vector Products, Newtown, PA (215) 968-4271.


Ultraminiature DRO/BPSK Assembly

This dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO)/biphase-shift keying (BPSK) modulator assembly supports remote signal generation and jamming requirements in the 3.8 to 4.5 GHz frequency range with 150 mW output power and a modulation rate of up to 50 MHz in less than 1.4 cubic inches. The company's advanced integration capabilities result in the dense packaging utilized in this assembly.

MITEQ, Hauppauge, NY (516) 436-7400.



These low cost DROs are available in hermetically sealed packages to replace the company's MQB series oscillators. The oscillators exhibit high Q with good temperature characteristics and are supplied at a specified frequency ranging from 8 to 24 GHz. State-of-the-art phase noise performance is also exhibited.

Princeton Microwave Technology (PmT), Mercerville, NJ (609) 586-8140.