Acronyms and Abbreviations Used by the RF/Microwave Industry: Part II
Part two of a two-part list of acronyms and abbreviations used in Microwave Journal and by others in the RF/microwave industry
March 1, 1997
Acronyms and Abbreviations Used by the RF/Microwave Industry: Part II
Part two of a two-part list of acronyms and abbreviations used in Microwave Journal articles over the past few years follows. Part one appeared in the February issue.
- GMDSS Global Maritime Distress Signal System
- GMSK Gaussian-filtered minimum-shift keying
- GPIB general-purpose interface bus
- GPR ground-penetrating radar
- GPRS General Packet Radio Service
- GPS Global Positioning System/Satellite
- GSM Global System for Mobile communications
- GSM-900 Group Speciale Mobile (European GSM)
- GSO geostationary orbit
- G/T receive antenna gain divided by noise temperature
- HARM high speed antiradiation missile
- HBT heterojunction bipolar transistor
- HDSL high bit-rate digital subscriber line
- HDTV high definition television
- HEMT high electron mobility transistor
- HEO high eliptical orbit (satellite)
- HFC hybrid fiber/coax
- HFET heterostructure field-effect transistor
- HGA high gain antenna
- HLR home location register
- HMIC hybrid microwave integrated circuit
- HPA high power amplifier
- HTS high temperature superconductor
- IBW instantaneous bandwidth
- IC integrated circuit
- IDECM integrated defense electronic countermeasures
- IDFT inverse discrete Fourier transform
- IDT interdigital transducer
- IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
- IF intermediate frequency
- IFF identification friend or foe
- IFM instantaneous frequency measurement
- IGBT insulated-gate bipolar transistor
- IGFET insulated-gate field-effect transistor
- IM intermodulation
- IMD intermodulation distortion
- IMDN Intelligent Mobile Data Network
- IMEI international mobile equipment identity
- IMP intermodulation products
- IMPATT impact avalanche and transit time
- IMR intermodulation rejection
- IMSI international mobile subscriber identity
- INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite (organization)
- INS inertial navigation system
- IPBO input power backoff
- IPC Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
- IPS integrated power systems
- IQ in phase/quadrature
- IR infrared
- IRA impulse radiating antennas
- IS-95 North American cellular standard
- ISAR inverse synthetic-aperture radar
- ISDN integrated services digital network
- ISI intersymbol interference
- ISM industrial, scientific and medical (frequency bands)
- ISO International Standards Organization
- ITM-2000 International Mobile Telecommunication 2000
- ITS intelligent transportation systems
- ITU International Telecommunication Union
- IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System
- JDC Japanese Digital Cellular
- JEDEC Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council
- JFET junction field-effect transistor
- JPEG Joint Picture Experts Group (compression standard)
- KGD known-good die
- LAN local area network
- LAO LaAlO3 (substrate)
- LC inductor/capacitor
- LCD liquid-crystal display
- LD laser diode
- LEC liquid encapsulated Czochralski (semi-insulating substrate)
- LEO low earth orbit (satellite)
- LHCP left-hand circular polarization
- LIDAR light direction and ranging
- LMS location and monitoring services
- LNA low noise amplifier
- LNB low noise block
- LNBF low noise block feed
- LO local oscillator
- LOS line of sight
- LPE lowpass equivalent
- LPF lowpass filter
- LPI low probability of intercept
- LRRM line-reflect-reflect-match
- LSG large-signal gain
- LTCC low temperature cofired ceramic
- LTP long-term predictor
- MAC medium access control
- MBA multibeam antenna
- MBE molecular beam epitaxy
- MCE manufacturing cycle efficiency
- MCF message communication function
- MCL microstrip constrained lens
- MCM multichip module
- MCPA multicarrier power amplifier
- MCPW microstrip coplanar waveguide
- MCT metal-oxide semiconductor-controlled thyristor
- MDS multipoint distribution system
- MEADS medium extended air defense system
- MESFET metal semiconductor field-effect transistor
- MEO medium earth orbit (satellite)
- MIM metal-insulator-metal (capacitor)
- MIMIC millimeter-wave and microwave integrated circuit (program)
- MIR microwave impulse radar
- MLC main lobe clutter
- MLCM multilevel coded modulation
- MLDD matched-line directional divider
- MMC metal-matrix composite
- MMI man-machine interface
- MMIC monolithic microwave integrated circuit
- MMW millimeter wave
- MOCVD metal-organic chemical vapor deposition
- MODEM modulator/demodulator
- MoM method of moments
- MOS metal-oxide semiconductor
- MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group
- MPIE mixed potential integral equation
- MPM microwave power module
- MQW multiquantum well
- MQW-FP multiquantum well Fabry-Perot optical transmitter
- MS mobile station
- MSBVW magnetostatic backward volume waves
- MSC mobile switching center
- MSFVW magnetostatic forward volume waves
- MSI medium-scale integration
- MSMT micro surface-mount technology
- MSOP mini (micro) small outline package
- MSS mobile satellite system
- MSSW magnetostatic surface waves
- MSW magnetostatic wave
- MTA microwave transition analyzer
- MTBF mean time between failures
- MTD moving-target detection
- MTI moving-target indicator
- MTTF mean time to failure
- MU minimum stability factor
- MUNDI multiplexed network for distributed and interactive services (UK)
- MUX multiplexer
- MVDS multipoint video distribution system
- NADC North American Dual-mode (or Digital-mode) Cellular
- N-AMPS narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone System/Service
- NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- NGA noise gain analyzer
- NGSO nongeostationary orbit
- NIC network interface card (WLAN)
- NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
- NMC network management center
- NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
- NODS near obstacle detection system
- NPR noise power ratio
- NPRM notice of proposed rule making
- NQR nuclear quadruple resonance
- NRZ nonreturn to zero
- NSSN National Standards System Network
- NTSC National Television Systems Committee
- OAD optical admittance diagram
- OBU onboard unit
- OCDMA orthogonal code-division multiple access
- OCPAR optically controlled phased-array radar
- OCXO oven-controlled crystal oscillator
- OEIC optoelectronic integrated circuit
- OEM original equipment manufacturer
- OFDM orthogonal frequency-division multiplex
- OFHC oxygen-free high conductivity (copper)
- OFS operational fixed service
- OMC operations and maintenance center
- OOK on-off keying
- OPBO output power backoff
- OPIP output power intercept point
- OPLL optical phase-locked loop
- OQPSK offset-quadrature phase-shift keying
- OSI open systems interconnection
- OTDR optical time-domain reflectometer
- OTH over the horizon
- PA power amplifier
- PAA phased-array antenna
- PACS personal access communications system (US version of PHS)
- pACT personal air communications technology
- PAE power-added efficiency
- PAL programmable array logic
- PAL phase-alternation line (video)
- PAM pulse amplitude modulation
- PAN public-access network
- PBX personal branch exchange
- PCI peripheral component interconnect
- PCIA Personal Communication Industry Association
- PCM pulse code modulation
- PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
- PCN personal communications network
- PCS personal communications service
- PCU power conditioning unit
- PD pulsed Doppler
- PDC personal digital cellular
- PDF probability distribution function
- PDH plesiochronous-digital hierarchy
- PDIP plastic dual-in-line package
- PEBB power electronic building block
- PECVD plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
- PEEC partial element equivalent circuit
- PEP peak envelope power
- PEP primary entry point
- PHEMT psuedomorphic high electron mobility transistor
- PHP Personal Handyphone, JPHP (Japan, 1895.15 to 1905.15 MHz)
- PHS personal handyphone system (Japan)
- PHY physical layer (WLAN)
- PIC photonic integrated circuit
- PIM passive intermodulation
- PIN positive-intrinsic-negative (diode junction)
- PLL phase-locked loop
- PLMN private land mobile network
- PM phase modulation
- PMD polarization-mode dispersion
- PMOS positive metal-oxide semiconductor
- PMR private mobile radio
- PN pseudorandom noise
- PNF planar near field (range)
- PON passive optical network
- POCSAG Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group (paging)
- POFS private operational fixed service
- POTS plain-old telephone service
- PPM periodic permanent magnet (focused)
- PPM pulse position modulation
- PQFP plastic quad flat pack
- PRBS pseudorandom binary/bit sequence
- PRF pulse repetition frequency
- PROM programmable read-only memory
- PSA polysilicoelf-aligned (bipolar transistor)
- PSD power spectral density
- PSK phase-shift keying
- PSTN public switched telephone network
- PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
- PTO public telecommunications operator
- PTT post, telephone and telegraph (Europe)
- P1dB 1 dB compression point
- QAM quadrature (quaternary) amplitude modulation
- QIFM quadrature intermediate frequency mixer
- QPSK quadrature phase-shift keying
- QRNS quadratic residue number system
- QWIP quantum well infrared photodetector
- QWR quarter-wave rule
- RACH random-access channel
- RADAR radio detection and ranging
- RAM radar-absorbing material
- RAM random-access memory
- RAP radar-absorbing paint
- RAS radio astronomy synthesis
- RBER residual bit error ratio
- RBW resolution bandwidth
- RCS radar cross section
- RDS radio data system
- RELP residually excited linear predictive coder
- RF radio frequency
- RFID radio frequency identification
- RFMU radio frequency monitoring unit
- RFS radio frequency simulator
- RHCP right-hand circular polarization
- RIN relative intensity noise
- RISC reduced instruction set computing
- RLL radio local loop
- RMS root mean square
- ROTHR relocatable over-the-horizon radar
- RRC raised-root cosine
- RRE radar range equation
- RSSI received signal strength indicator
- RSU roadside unit (auto toll collecting)
- RwoH reliability without hermeticity
- RWR radar-warning receiver
- RX receiver/receive
- SA selective availability (GPS error introduction/correction)
- SAR search and rescue
- SAR synthetic aperture radar
- SAT supervisory audio tone
- SATCOM satellite communications (SATCOM Agency, Department of Defense)
- SAW surface acoustic wave
- SBN single-sideband phase noise
- SCFL source-coupled field-effect transistor logic
- SCPI industry-standard commands for programmable instruments
- SCSI small computer standard/system interface
- SDH synchronous digital hierarchy (European telecommunication)
- SDLA successive detection log amplifier
- SDMA spatial-division multiple access
- SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
- SEM scanning electron microscope
- SES severely errored seconds
- SFDR spurious-free dynamic range
- SHF super high frequency
- SIGINT signal intelligence
- SIM subscriber identity module
- SINAD signal-to-noise and distortion (ratio)
- SIR stepped impedance resonator
- SLM spatial light modulator
- SMI sample matrix inversion
- SMP subminiature push-on (connector)
- SMP surface-mount package
- SMR specialized mobile radio
- SMS short message service
- SMT surface-mount technology
- SNA scalar network analyzer
- SNR signal-to-noise ratio
- SOIC small-outline integrated circuit
- SOLT short-open-load-thru (calibration)
- SONET synchronous optical network (US telecommunications)
- SOT small-outline transistor
- SP3 third-order suppression
- SPC statistical process control
- SPRE satellite position reporting equipment
- SSB single sideband
- SSBW surface-skimming bulk wave
- SSD simultaneous signal detection
- SSG small-signal gain
- SSI small-scale integration
- SSOP shrink small outline package
- SSOT shrink small outline transistor
- SSPA solid-state power amplifier
- SSR surface search radar
- STALO stable local oscillator
- STM synchronous transport module (1 STM = 155 Mbps)
- STOVL short takeoff, vertical landing (aircraft)
- STW surface transverse wave
- SWR standing wave ratio
- TACAN tactical air navigation
- TACS Total Access Communication System
- TAG technical advisory group
- TARD towed active radar device
- TBCCO thallium barium calcium copper oxide
- TCH traffic channel
- TCM trellis-coded modulation
- TCR temperature coefficient of resistance
- TCXO temperature-compensated crystal oscillator
- TDD time-division duplex
- TDD time-domain duplex
- TDMA time-division multiple access
- TDWR terminal Doppler weather radar
- TE transverse electric
- TEC thermal electric cooler
- TEM transverse electromagnetic mode
- TETRA trans-European trunked radio
- TFT thin-film transistor
- TFTS terrestrial flight telephone system
- TM transverse magnetic
- TMN telecommunication management network
- TOI third-order intercept (point)
- T/R transmit/receive
- TRAC Technical Regulations Application Committee (of ETSI)
- TRAM transimpedance amplifier
- TRP Technology Reinvestment Program (NIST)
- TRL thru-reflect-line (calibration)
- TS timeslot
- TSOP thin small outline package
- TSS tangential signal sensitivity
- TTD true time delay
- TTL transistor-transistor logic
- TWTA traveling-wave-tube amplifier
- TX transmit/transmitter
- UAV unmanned aerial vehicles
- UFMOP unintentional frequency modulation on pulse
- UIM uniform impedance resonator
- UM unintentional modulation
- UMTS Universal Mobile Telecom System (Europe)
- UPT universal personal telecommunications
- USAT ultra-small aperture terminals
- UWB ultra-wideband
- VANA vector automatic network analyzer
- VBW video bandwidth
- VCO voltage-controlled oscillator
- VDU video display unit
- VISA virtual instrument software architecture
- VLR visitor location register
- VLSI very large-scale integration
- VMEbus versa module Eurocard computer bus
- VNA vector network analyzer
- VSAT very small aperture terminal
- VSB vestigial sideband modulation
- VSWR voltage standing-wave ratio
- VXIbus VMEbus extension for instrumentation
- WAAS wide area augmentation system (GPS ground based)
- WADSP wideband acquisition/digital signal processing
- WAN wide area network
- WDM wavelength division multiplexing
- WDDM wavelength division demultiplexing
- WLAN wireless local area network
- WLL wireless local loop
- XFCB extra-fast complementary bipolar
- XPIC cross-polar interference canceller
- XPOL cross-polarization level
- YBCO yttrium barium copper oxide
- YIG yttrium iron garnet
- YTO YIG-tuned oscillator