Microwave Journal

ASCOR RF & Microwave Switch Solutions

March 26, 2013

ASCOR_Product_CollageThe Giga-tronics ASCOR Series 8000, 8800 and 8900 have a flexible and versatile design making it an ideal platform for standard and tailored switching solutions and RF Interface Units (RFIUs). It is geared to control any of the various switch types and enable them to be mounted on the front or rear panel or host switching and signal conditioning components internally.

  • Series 8900is a 2U (3.5” high), reconfigurable Microwave Switching chassis which comes with a LAN or IEEE-488 interface.  The 8901 Half Rack, and the 8902 Full Rack solution provides a flexible, easily re-configurable Microwave Switching solution. These units can be ordered fully or partially configured as required. Additional Relays can be added by the user as needed depending on the application.
  • Series 8800RF & Microwave Modular Switch Platform are about serviceability and scalability. The switch modular boxes contain the replaceable components and reconfigurable to meet existing and emerging test requirements, covering the DC to 67 GHz frequency range.
  • Series 8000line of switch products are based on rugged electromechanical switches and microwave relays rated for use from DC to 40 GHz with low insertion loss and high isolation. Route signals under remote control to simplify and automate RF Testing.
