M/A-COM Tech announces PAs for 13 and 15 GHz point-to-point applications
M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc., a supplier of high performance analog semiconductor solutions, announced two power amplifiers for point-to-point (PtP) radios for cellular backhaul applications.
The MAAP-010516 and MAAP-010517 are designed for customers who need a convenient and high power amplifier solution for PtP applications. Packaged in a fully molded 5 x 5 mm plastic QFN, the amplifiers include on-chip ESD protection structures with DC by-pass capacitors, allowing customers easy implementation and volume assembly of the packaged parts. The amplifiers boast excellent performance over the 12.75-13.25 GHz (MAAP-010516) and 14.5 to 15.35GHz (MAAP-010517) frequency range, providing customers a higher performing, more efficient, and more cost effective solution than competing parts.
The MAAP-010516 and MAAP-010517 provide a small signal gain of 23dB and 24dB respectively, with a third order intercept point (OIP3) of 42dBm. The devices are comprised of a three stage power amplifier with an integrated, temperature compensated on-chip power detector, which omits the customer’s need for a complex and costly discrete or printed detector.
“The MAAP-010516 and MAAP-010517 are ideal for customers looking for high performance, power efficient amplifier solutions which meet the needs of current and next generation PtP microwave radios.” said David Richardson, Market Director, Wireless Infrastructure. “The QFN packaging makes these devices compatible with standard SMD assembly lines. In addition, the devices are package, pin-out, biasing, and performance compatible which each other, allowing for easy board layouts and common supporting circuitry.”
The table below outlines typical performance:
Parameter |
Units |
MAAP-010516 |
MAAP-010517 |
Frequency |
GHz |
12.7 – 13.3 |
14.4 – 15.4 |
Small Signal Gain |
dB |
23 |
24 |
Input Return Loss |
dB |
15 |
11 |
Output Return Loss |
dB |
12 |
11 |
Noise Figure |
dB |
7 |
7 |
P1dB |
dBm |
34 |
34.5 |
dBm |
34.5 |
35.5 |
Output IP3, +20dBm SCL |
dBm |
42 |
42 |