Centellax releases 50 GHz RF PA modules
Centellax Inc. is pleased to announce the release of its 2 to 50 GHz RF power amplifiers for military communication and instrumentation systems. The amplifier is available with either 30 dB gain or 18 dB gain. Both are instrument grade amplifiers providing exceptional gain flatness per octave over greater than 5 octaves of frequency coverage.
The ideal application is for use in laboratory and instrumentation systems where a high performance broadband RF power amplifier is required; such as a post amplifier for synthesizers, mixers, modulators, etc. where output powers are low and need to be increased to the 20 dBm to 30 dBm range.
“These broadband amplifiers are optimized to have high output power, good gain, low harmonics, and low residual phase noise,” states Jay de la Barre, Centellax VP of Worldwide Sales. Mr. de la Barre continues “they are a great addition to our range of high performance RF amplifiers.”
For datasheets and other information visit:
UA2V50HM: 2-50 GHz Power Amplifier with 30 dB gain
UA2V50LM: 2-50 GHz Power Amplifier with 18 dB gain