Microwave Journal

Agilent announces webcast series on calibration service of test and measurement equipment

October 25, 2012

Agilent Technologies Inc. announced the webcast, “Calibration: Why It Matters and What It Should Include,” hosted by Bob Stern, senior metrologist and Agilent Electronic Measurement Group representative to NCSLI. The webcast will be held Nov. 8.

This is the first webcast in a series that helps non-metrologists painlessly climb the learning curve by examining the key concepts of relevant calibration standards without getting mired in details. Participants will learn what to ask for, what to expect, and why it matters, when they evaluate who to choose for instrument calibration.

“In principle, calibration is the periodic process of ensuring your instruments meet warranted specifications,” said Stern. “In practice, the actual deliverables vary significantly between calibration labs, enough so that instruments may not meet the specifications customers rely on for pass/fail decisions regarding their process or products.”

The free one-hour webcast will cover three topics:

  • The major requirements of international calibration standards.
  • The key deliverables that fully document the calibration process.
  • The value those deliverables bring to the measurements an organization relies on most.

Calibration: Why It Matters and What It Should Include

Europe: Nov. 8, 4 p.m. CET: Register here.

Americas: Nov. 8, 10 a.m. PST:Register here.

More information about Agilent’s webcast series can be found here.

Benefits of Calibration Explored for Technical and Business Personnel

Agilent also offers a YouTube videoseries, www.YouTube.com/AgilentCalRepair, that describes how calibration can help an organization meet its technical and business goals. On the technical side, calibration ensures accurate measurement results and greater confidence in the decisions based on those results. On the business side, calibration helps ensure lower cost of ownership, enhanced uptime and greater convenience. The series offers captions in multiple languages.