Detector Log Video Amplifier: PLVA-500M18G-50
June 29, 2012
PMI Model PLVA-500M18G-50 is a 50 dB detector log video amplifier designed to operate over the 500 MHz to 18.0 GHz frequency range. This model employs planar diode detectors and integrated video circuitry for high speed performance and outstanding reliability.
It is of superior construction using state-of-the-art MIC/MMIC technology. The log slope of this DLVA is 50 mV/dB and has a log linearity error of less than ±0.5 dB. The logging range is -40 to +5 dBm with a maximum rise time of 20 nsec, maximum settling time of 45 nsec and a recovery time of 150 nsec typical.
The unit is offered in a small, compact housing that measure only 2.2" x 1.5" x 0.4".
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