Applied Radar wins two new SBIR contracts
Applied Radar Inc. received two new contracts this week including a new Phase 1 SBIR ($150,000) on Passive Airborne Radar Using Opportunistic Signals (PASAROS) with the US Air Force Research Lab at WPAFB, OH, and a Phase 2 Enhancement ($500,000) on Adaptive Distributed Aperture Radar Mainlobe Jammer Suppression with the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) in Huntsville, AL. These contracts will allow the company to continue its innovative work developing next-generation radar technology for the U.S. Department of Defense to meet the needs of emerging threats, according to Dr. William H. Weedon, CEO. In addition, Weedon will be presenting results of Applied Radar’s on-going development activities at the 2012 MSS Tri-Service Radar Symposium in Boulder, CO June 18 – 22, 2012.