COMSOL Conference 2009 Boston
March 30, 2009
Call for Papers
BOSTON (March 30, 2009) — COMSOL, Inc., will hold its fifth annual North American conference on multiphysics modeling and simulation October 8-10 at the Boston Marriott Newton. Engineers, researchers, scientists, educators and students are invited to submit abstracts describing their innovative use of COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Authors of accepted submissions will present their work at the conference and submit a paper for the conference proceedings. Last year, more than 100,000 CDs of the 2008 COMSOL Conference Proceedings were distributed to multiphysics users worldwide.
Technical paper submissions covering a broad range of multiphysics applications should complement the main conference themes:
* Acoustics
* Bioscience and Bioengineering
* Earth Science
* Education
* Electromagnetics
* Fluid dynamics
* Fluid-Structure Interactions
* Fuel Cells and Electrochemistry
* Fundamental Studies, Optimization & Numerical Methods
* Heat transfer & Thermo-Mechanics
* Materials Science & Nanotechnology
* MEMS and Microfluidics
* Multiphysics
* Optics
* Photonics
* Plasma Physics, EHD and MHD
* Porous Media Flow
* Process & Chemical Engineering
* Quantum Mechanics
* Reaction Engineering and Reactor Design
* Semiconductor Devices
* Structural Mechanics
* Transport Phenomena
Abstracts should briefly (200 - 400 words) summarize the individual’s or group’s work, with particular emphasis on describing the problem, solution, results, and conclusions. Abstracts must provide the corresponding author’s full contact information as well as the names and affiliations of all contributing authors.
Abstracts submitted by the early bird deadline of June 26th will receive a $100 discount on conference registration fees. The final deadline for the submission of abstracts is August 7th.
For more information and complete guidelines on submitting an abstract, please visit our website by clicking the link below our logo on this page.
BOSTON (March 30, 2009) — COMSOL, Inc., will hold its fifth annual North American conference on multiphysics modeling and simulation October 8-10 at the Boston Marriott Newton. Engineers, researchers, scientists, educators and students are invited to submit abstracts describing their innovative use of COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Authors of accepted submissions will present their work at the conference and submit a paper for the conference proceedings. Last year, more than 100,000 CDs of the 2008 COMSOL Conference Proceedings were distributed to multiphysics users worldwide.
Technical paper submissions covering a broad range of multiphysics applications should complement the main conference themes:
* Acoustics
* Bioscience and Bioengineering
* Earth Science
* Education
* Electromagnetics
* Fluid dynamics
* Fluid-Structure Interactions
* Fuel Cells and Electrochemistry
* Fundamental Studies, Optimization & Numerical Methods
* Heat transfer & Thermo-Mechanics
* Materials Science & Nanotechnology
* MEMS and Microfluidics
* Multiphysics
* Optics
* Photonics
* Plasma Physics, EHD and MHD
* Porous Media Flow
* Process & Chemical Engineering
* Quantum Mechanics
* Reaction Engineering and Reactor Design
* Semiconductor Devices
* Structural Mechanics
* Transport Phenomena
Abstracts should briefly (200 - 400 words) summarize the individual’s or group’s work, with particular emphasis on describing the problem, solution, results, and conclusions. Abstracts must provide the corresponding author’s full contact information as well as the names and affiliations of all contributing authors.
Abstracts submitted by the early bird deadline of June 26th will receive a $100 discount on conference registration fees. The final deadline for the submission of abstracts is August 7th.
For more information and complete guidelines on submitting an abstract, please visit our website by clicking the link below our logo on this page.