Microwave Journal

AWR Launches Free Online Training

September 21, 2009
Comprehensive video presentations cover electromagnetic (EM) simulation, harmonic balance, and AWR’s Microwave Office® and AXIEM TM software tools

On September 21, 2009, AWR will launch a free online training program to help its customers become more proficient with the company’s high-frequency design tools in the comfort of their home or office. The training is module-based for manageable time commitment, and each video presentation consists of three 90-minute webinars (60 minutes of content and 30 minutes of Q&A). The schedule is flexible, with modules offered over several weeks. Customers can view live lectures via telephone and Web browser, or replay them at a more convenient time. Each lecture comes with a 90-minute take-home exercise designed to enhance understanding of the material.

Current topics include:
• Advanced EM concepts for Planar Simulators
• Setting Up EM in Microwave Office
• AXIEM Concepts
• Introduction to Microwave Office
• Controlling Layout in Microwave Office
• Using Harmonic Balance

AWR’s online courses are developed and presented by Dr. John Dunn, a senior engineering consultant at AWR and recognized expert in electromagnetic modeling and simulation for high-speed circuit applications. Before joining AWR, he was head of the Interconnect Modeling Group at Tektronix and earlier was a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Colorado where he led a research group in electromagnetic simulation and modeling. Dr. Dunn received his BA degree in physics from Carleton College and his MS and PhD degrees in applied physics from Harvard University. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

Visit AWR Online Training to learn more and register at www.awrcorp.com/online-training