Microwave Journal

Xinger®-III Family of 3 dB Hybrid and Directional Couplers

September 12, 2010

Anaren Inc. has officially launched its Xinger®-III brand family of 3 dB hybrid and directional couplers for wireless infrastructure applications. The two new passive devices offer improved power handling, lower loss and other electrical performance metrics of interest at only ¼ the size of the company's previous-generation Xinger-II components (which will remain in production). Suitable applications include balanced-power amplifiers, low-noise amplifiers and other equipment used in 2/3/4G communications.

The new components cover bands within the range of 0.6 to 2.9 GHz, handle up to 225 W, and feature patent-pending softboard design and materials advances that make the couplers (available in 0.25 × 0.2" or 0.56 × 0.2" footprints) an attractive alternative to ceramic equivalents; they can be implemented without the risk of cracked solder joints that ceramics can create when their thermal expansion characteristics do not match the PCB they are mounted to. Because the new parts are softboard, the co-efficient of thermal expansion (CTE) disparity does not exist, liberating designers to specify ordinary PCBs without having to worry about CTE mismatch. Xinger-III components are compatible with FR4, G-10, RF-35, RO4003 and Polyimide.

Compared to the previous Xinger-II brand parts, the new Xinger-III hybrid coupler line offers 52 to 66 percent lower insertion loss (down to 0.12 dB), 5.35 times the power handling, 25 to 28 percent higher isolation, 63 to 71 percent better amplitude balance, and equal phase balance. At ¼ the size of their predecessors, the new Xinger-III brand directional coupler family delivers 37 to 64 percent lower insertion loss (down to 0.05 dB), 50 percent higher power handling and equal directivity. Both Xinger-III parts are also RoHS-compliant, are shipped on tape-and-reel for automated assembly system, and are available through Anaren's authorized distributors.

Anaren Inc.,
East Syracuse, NY
(315) 432-8909,
RS No. 302