Microwave Journal has developed and published a new Microwaves Basics section based on the beginning chapters of the book "Microwaves and Wireless Simplified" by Thomas S. Laverghetta, available at Artech House Publishing. If your work involves microwave or wireless communications technology or just want to brush up on your technology basics, the Microwave Basics sections provide a good understanding of key concepts, technological terms, components, devices and applications. The Microwave Basics is made up of four sections: Introduction to Microwaves, Microwave Applications, Transmission Lines and Basic Microwave Measures. The new Microwave Basics section is available at www.microwavejournal.com/microwavebasics.
The Microwave Basics section is part of Microwave Journal’s eLearning resources featured on the website’s main menu, which also contains webinars, design tools, 5G mmWave training course, eBooks, white papers, a history of wireless and an acronyms glossary. The eLearning resources are a full suite of technical information that provide comprehensive, educational content covering nearly any RF/microwave topic in the world, and compliments the technical articles, application notes, perspectives and product feature articles that are published monthly in the magazine and are also available on the website.