A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J K L | M | N | O | P | Q |
R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z #
JDC Japanese Digital Cellular system
JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
JFET junction field effect transistor
JPEG Joint Picture Expert Group (compression standard)
JTAG joint test action group
KGD known good die
KSIR Kirchhoff’s surface integral representation
LAN local area network
LAAS local area augmentation systems
LAO LaAlO3 (substrate)
LBC linked boundary condition
LC inductor/capacitor
LCC leadless chip carrier
LCD liquid crystal display
LD laser diode
LDMOS laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor
LEC liquid encapsulated Czochralski (semi-insulating substrates)
LEO low earth orbit (satellite)
LEP lumped element prototype
LHCP left-hand circular polarization
LIDAR light direction and ranging
LIGA Lithographie, Galvanoformung und Abformung
(German: lithography, electroplating and molding)
LINC linear amplification with nonlinear components
LMCS local multi-point communications system
LMDS local multi-point distribution system
LMS least mean square
LMS location and monitoring services
LNA low noise amplifier
LNB low noise block
LNBF low noise block feed
LO local oscillator
LOS line of sight
LPE low pass equivalent
LPF low pass filter
LPI low probability of intercept
LQI link quality indication
LRL line-reflect-line (calibration)
LRRM line-reflect-reflect-match (calibration)
LSB least significant bit
LSG large signal gain
LSI large scale integration
LTCC low temperature co-fired ceramic
LTCC-M low temperature co-fired ceramic on metal core
LTI linear time invariant
LTP long term predictor
LTS long training symbol
LTSA linear taper slot antenna
LUT look-up table
LVDS low voltage differential signal